Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Superman and Ice Cream!

 I have special dates with my mamma. Today we went to the ice cream shop. I got ice cream with a Kit Kat bar; the lady smashed it on a board and stirred it in the ice cream then gave it to me in a cup. It was so good. Then me and my mamma went to the grass and played "Superman." It's really fun.
 I like to tickle my mamma's face with my nose; it always makes her laugh. She took some pictures and I snuggled her lots more. She said I do this to her so much, she wanted to take a picture to remember it. My mom takes lots of pictures.
 I think she is trying to get away from my nose in this picture.
But I got her again.
 Here I am flying like Superman! My mamma puts her legs and feet on my tummy and then I can fly.

 This is so fun to do. I like to do it on the grass because sometimes I'm crazy and I fall, but the grass is soft, so I don't get hurt.


 Sometimes my mamma's shoes tickle me!

 My mamma always laughs when I make this face!

 I'm the super hero saving people.

 This was a fun day!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone! We had a fun family party with our mommy and daddy! Mom made lots of appetizers, and cut up all different fruits- my favorite was pineapple! She even let us have our own little can of Root Beer! We never get to have soda! We were so excited we danced on the ottoman!
We watched "Despicable Me," and then popped a whole bunch of party poppers! At 10:30pm we finally went to bed- we were really tired! It was a fun night- I love New Year's Eve!
I hope everyone had fun too! What did you do?

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Cool but Bored...

My mommy likes to take lots of pictures with her big camera. She took us on the trails where she goes running and said that me and Makenzie could play in the grass and climb the hills. We got to wear new clothes; I liked the tie the best. I have never had pants that were so tight; I thought these pants were for my sister, but my mommy put them on me.

We had fun playing in the dirt; I like chasing Makenzie; she is the princess and I am the bad guy trying to get her. My mom was taking millions of pictures while we played and then I got tired, so I sat on this log. My mom liked it when I sat on the log and told me to just hang out, but I told her, "Hey mom, how about you take a picture of me being bored."

So then I sat like this; with my knee up and I just stared at the ground. I told her, "Hey Mamma, it's like I'm looking around for something to do, but it's so boring here."

My mom laughed a whole bunch. She thinks I'm really funny. I think I'm funny too; after I took this picture, I did some really cool jumps.



Thursday, December 20, 2012

With My Mommy

I love Thursdays. I get out of school early and my mom plans something special for us to do together. Today we went to Starbucks and shared a bagel and then finished some Christmas shopping.

 My mommy takes lots and lots of pictures of me. She tells me that she can never have too many pictures of my smile.

 I like this picture the best. I am wearing my mommy's cozy, pink scarf. I like all my mom's clothes and can't wait until I'm bigger so I can wear all of them.

I hope you have a fun day. Make sure you plan for special dates with people you love; they're the best and they will make you happy.

Bye for now!


Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Cool! Our own blog! This is our first post!
It's a double-thumbs up day!

Bye for now!